Everyday Protection
Most people are aware of the need to protect our skin from sunburn when we are at the beach or planning to be outdoors for an extended period of time. This is certainly critical in the effort to minimise our risk of getting sunburn and skin cancers.
Just as important as protection of our skin from sunburn is our daily attention to sun protection. Every time we go outside we are instantly exposed to UV light. The amount of UV varies according to the time of day, the season, and where we are in relation to the equator. At most times of the year in Australia, our skin will start to get a little UV induced damage after just a few minutes outside. Whilst this type of damage will often not show in terms of a sunburn, it can be measured in a laboratory, and it does show over time. This is called actinic damage, or photodamage, and it is recognised through the visible effects of ageing on the skin. Over years the chronic exposure of our skin to UV light builds up and accumulates. This is a major cause of sunspots and skin cancers.
To minimise the risk of accumulated sun damage and the development of skin cancers it is important that we protect our skin from the sun on a daily basis. This is particularly important for the skin of our face. Each day, everyone should apply a moisturising cream that contains a sun protection factor of 30+ to their face. In addition, everyone should ensure that they wear a hat and protective clothing when working outdoors, or when enjoying outdoor sport and recreational activities.
Remember to SLIP, SLOP, SLAP everyday, not just on beach days.